OCLC's Express program uses 'smart fulfillment' enhancements to help libraries deliver materials fast
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
18 Mar 2021
Library Resource Management
More than 1,000 libraries are now participating in OCLC's new Express digital delivery program that facilitates exceptionally fast turnaround times using smart fulfillment enhancements to OCLC resource sharing services.
Designed to simplify and save, the Express program is for libraries that consistently deliver articles and other digital resources within 18 hours or less through OCLC's WorldShare Interlibrary Loan (ILL) network. As part of the program, these libraries can leverage the OCLC ILL services they already use—Tipasa, ILLiad or WorldShare ILL—to provide the fastest service possible at no extra charge.
Libraries selected for the Express program have demonstrated a commitment to service, are recognized as exemplary suppliers, and have consistently met or exceeded set delivery expectations. Express is a cooperative program; libraries in the group receive the same fast resource sharing service that they provide.
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