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WorldCat quality efforts to enhance millions more records

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
11 May 2022
Bibliographic Utilities

OCLC metadata quality team consistently improves WorldCat records to help libraries make their resources more accessible to users worldwide through discovery, research, and interlibrary loan services. Using a combination of automated systems and manual enrichments, we review, delete, merge, and enhance an average of 4 million WorldCat records per month. In addition, each month we add more than 280 collections to the WorldCat knowledge base and make more than 45,000 enhancements to the collections on average. This work helps ensure that information seekers can easily find the resources they need as soon as they’re available in libraries.


We’ve recently kicked off two efforts to improve WorldCat records in even more ways. We’ve started controlling and enriching subject headings in individual bibliographic records with the many authority files we’ve made available in WorldCat. And we’re adding more OCLC control numbers to WorldCat knowledge base records.

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