ACS and scite Partner on Smart Citations
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
09 Aug 2022
Cooperation Agreements
scite, an award-winning tool that helps students and researchers discover and understand research findings more efficiently through Smart Citations, has partnered with the American Chemical Society (ACS) to enhance the citation experience for its globally diverse readership.
Pioneered by scite, Smart Citations go beyond traditional citations by showing citation statements—the in-text sentences where references are used— the section they appear in the citing articles, and a classification indicating if the paper provides supporting or contrasting evidence to the cited claim from the referenced work. Smart Citations have been developed using sophisticated machine learning models that extract and analyze citation statements from full-text articles at scale. This information helps researchers quickly and easily see how and why an article has been cited and engaged with in subsequent research, providing a more nuanced and rich source of information than a simple citation count and list of cited articles without context.
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