The Developing World’s "Technology Divide”: Is there Hope to Close the Gap?
Contrary to many beliefs, globalization has effectively removed a lot of barriers around the world and thus allowing increasingly free trade. This has created more and more consumer choice. From a competitive stand point, globalization and de-regulation create many new competitors in all markets. Internet has become the implementation platform for global free market. By understanding the interdependence of these drivers, developing countries can effectively develop and use the eCommerce to close the technology divide. The New Economy, driven by communications and computer technologies has produced more transformation in the past decade than Industrial Economy. Unfortunately, many developing countries failed to uplift their economies during the Industrial Economy. However, developing countries have a much better chance of making a leap into the New Economy by taking the necessary steps to take advantage of the New Economy features which are much achievable. In my presentation, I will outline the key steps that developing countries can take to acquire technologies and utilize it.