Global Convergence in Food Supply: Rapporteur’s Analysis
The rapporteur will present an analysis of the salient and supportive philosophical and factual interpretations by the respective speakers addressing the topic of Global Convergence in Food Supply in their papers on The Livestock Revolution (LR), Food and Fuel, and Climate Change and Food in DECs. These three papers are fundamental to taking a futuristic look at key drivers of livestock production. The LR was brought to the for in the late 1990s when analyses showed that the improving wellbeing of growing populations in the DECs was having a profound effect on the magnitude of the shift of animal production towards intensively raised monogastric livestock, underpinned by relatively cheap and accessible grain-based diets. Recognition of the LR and both the resources it depended on and the concentrated waste it generated, raised questions on its sustainability, if not morality, in the long run. Almost a decade later, this relationship has not eased. However, it has come head-on into contact with two other determinants: the increasing demand for liquid fuel has accelerated a move towards using highly fermentable plant material used for both human and animal food for ethanol production, and the increasing likelihood of a change in global climate that could impact negatively on agriculture. If the consequences of the interactions of these three forces, LR, Food-for-Fuel and Climate Change, are not considered carefully, the entire world faces unimaginable societal implications.