Egyptologist and Independent Scholar.
Graduated from the University of Thessaloniki , Hellas , in 1988 with a BSc in Physics.
Postgraduate fellow from 1991-94 (stipendiary of the Hellenic General Secretariat of Research and Technology) at the National Observatory of Athens, Astronomical Institute.
Obtained her first PhD in Astronomy from the University of Athens , Department of Physics, Section of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Hellas , in 1997, specializing in Extragalactic Astrophysics, given unanimously the highest possible grade ( arista ).
Was also actively interested in Archaeoastronomy and the History of Sciences (Mathematics and Astronomy) since 1996.
Obtained her second PhD in Egyptology at the University of Limoges, Centre des Recherches en Sciences de l'Antiquité, École Doctorate SHS (Discipline: Egyptology, Ancient History, Classic Philology) on Friday 07 May 2004, judged by a pluri–disciplinary jury (3 Egyptolgists, 2 Hellenists, 1 Historian of Antiquity, 1 Philosopher of Science), and she was unanimously given the highest possible grade ( très honorable et avec félicitations ). Her 2 nd PhD Thesis ( Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en Égypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques Helléniques ) is specializing in the research for astronomical and cosmovisional elements in the ancient Egyptian religious texts (mainly PT , CT & secondarily BD ), their comparison to the Orphic Hymns ' astronomical and cosmovisional ideas, as well as their philosophical comparison to some modern astronomical and cosmological notions. Currently her PhD is under publication by an international publishing house.
Published many scientific papers and review articles on Egyptology and Archaeoastronomy, as well as two books (one of them awarded).
Collaborates with several colleagues from foreign Universities on the grounds of common projects concerning Egyptology and Archaeoastronomy.
Editor in chief for several BAR International Series editions (see BAR Series 1052, 1154 & 1218).
Participated actively with original papers and organized Egypt logical and archaeoastronomical sessions in many international scientific conferences, colloquia and congresses.
Current Occupation/Job: Working as an external collaborator of the Benaki Museum ( Athens ), studying the faience collection and all the other (few) Egyptian antiquities, in order to publish them in a complete catalogue. She also collaborates with the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.
Member of the International Association of Egyptologists, the European Association of Archaeologists and the Société Européene pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture.
Her current research interests include the writing of an extended Catalogue Raisonné for the Egyptian faience objects at the Benaki Museum in Athens; the writing of a monograph on the various astronomical and cosmovisional elements in the Book of the Dead (thus, extending the study of her 2 nd PhD Thesis); the Egyptlogical and anatomical study of 10 Ptolemaic mummies (and their sarcophagi) kept at the premises of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens; & c.