Under the auspices of

Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak

Chairman, Board of Trustees

In the presence of

Dr. Youssuf Wally

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation

Dr. Ismail Serageldin

Library Director General & Chairman of Conference

Alexandria Conference on

Biotechnology & Sustainable Development

Voices of the South & North

March 16-20, 2002


0800-0900  Registration at Library & Conference Center, Alexandria

0900-1100  Inaugural Ceremonies Opening Address

1100-1130 Coffee Break

1130-1330 Plenary Session 1: The New Life Sciences

Chair: Mamdouh Riad

Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley

1. Ismail Serageldin; Science and the Poor

               2. Gordon Conway; Biotechnology and the War on Poverty

3. Magdy Madkour; A Perspective from the South

Discussant: Ahmed Shawki

1330 -1430 Lunch

1430-1630 Plenary Session 2: Feeding the World

Chair: Hussein A. Gezairy

Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley

1. Donald Johnston; Biotechnologies: The Next Wave of

    Innovation Technologies for Sustainable Development

2. Adel El-Beltagy; The Arid Lands Experience: Crop
    Improvement for the Dry Areas

3. Klaus Leisinger; Biotechnology: The Role of the

    Private Sector

Discussant: Pat Roy Mooney

1630-1700 Coffee Break

1700-1830 Special Plenary Session 3: Special Round Table Discussion

Ismail Serageldin, Donald Johnston, Jennifer Thompson, Marc Van Montagu, Pat Mooney, Thomas Hoban




0900-1100 Parallel Panel Sessions on the State of the Art

Panel 1: Theme 1: Food and Agriculture

Chair: Mohamed Nasr El-Deen Damir

Rapporteur: Cynthia Schneider

1. Marc Van Montagu; The State of the Art in Plant Biotechnology

2. Hassan M. Younis;

3. Rudy Rabbinge; Emerging Issues for International Agricultural Research

Discussant: Hisham Moharram


Panel 2: Theme 2: Human Health

Chair: Mahmoud Abou El Nasr

Rapporteur: Effat Badr

1. Paul Herrling; Post Genomic Pharmaceutical Discovery

2. Haider Ghaleb; Prospects for Improving Human Health in

the Developing World

3. Pierre Crooy; Prevention of Human Infectious Diseases in

Developing Countries

Discussant: Yeya Toure


Panel 3: Theme 3: Ethics & Environmental Safety

Chair: Mohamed El Kassas

Rapporteur: John Dodds

1. Brian Johnson; Biotechnology: Driven by Profit or Searching

   for a Better Environment

2. Antonio Paes de Carvalho; Adding value to Brazilian

   Biodiversity through Biotechnology

3. David Magnus; Ethical Issues in relation to the New Life


1100-1130 Coffee Break

1130-1330 Parallel Panel Sessions on the Case Studies of Developing Countries Experiences

Panel 4: Theme 1: Food & Agriculture

Chair:Yousif A. Al-Shayji

Rapporteur: Cynthia Scshneider

1. Eusebius Mukhwana; Biotechnology and Agriculture in

Sub-Saharan Africa

2. Julian Smith; Case Study and Bacterial Wilt Control in Kenya

Discussant: Rudy Rabbinge


Panel 5: Theme 2: Human Health

Chair: Ismail Serageldin

Rapporteur: Effat Badr

1. J.M. Gopo; Development, Commercialization & Marketing

of a Salmonella...

2. Mohammed El Dawy; A view from Egypt

3. Abdel Aziz Saleh; The role of International Organizations

Discussant: Paul Herrling


Panel 6: Theme 3: Ethics & Environmental Safety

Chair: Nadia Makram Ebeid Rapporteur: John Dodds

1. Lucia Aleixo; Biotechnology & Biosafety in Brazil

Discussant: Salah Soliman

1430-1630 Parellel Panel Sessions on the Case Studies of International Experiences


Panel 7: Theme 1: Food & Agriculture

Chair: Mohamed Abdellah

Rapporteur: Cynthia Schneider

1. George John; New Biotechnology Applications in Fish

2. Mostafa Abou Elni/Mohamed Saleem; KISR experience with

Drought Tolerance

Discussant: Mohamed Idris


Panel 8: Theme 2: Human Health

Chair: Claudio Carlone

Rapporteur: Effat Badr

1. Noel Murphy; Novel Approaches for Vaccine Development

against Trypanosomiasis in Africa

2. Mamdouh Gabr; Perspective from Civil Society

3. Mohamed Saber; Perspective from the Life Science Industry

Discussant: Ahmed Shawki


Panel 9: Theme 3: Ethics & Environmental Safety

Chair: Said El Dakkak

Rapporteur: John Dodds

1. Klaus Ammann; The Scientific Basis of Bio Safety

2. Michael Oborne and Peter Kearns; International Harmonization

in Biosafety: The OECD experience

3. Jennifer Thomson; Emerging Regulatory Regimes in Africa

Discussant: Adel Abou Zahra

1630-1700 Coffee Break

1700-1830 Special Tours of the Library of Alexandria & the Planetarium & POSTER SESSION




0900-1100 Special Plenary Session 4: Genetic Resources & Biotechnology

Chair: Gamal Mokhtar

Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley

1. Jennifer Thompson; Observations on International Frameworks for Biotechnology & Biodiversity

2. Ismail Serageldin; Protecting Our Genetic Resources (Global


3. David Taylor; Genetic Diversity, Disease and Biotechnology

4. Greg Jaffe; Role of Civil Society in the New Life Sciences

Discussant: A. Von der Osten

1100-1130 Coffee Break

1130-1330 Plenary Session 5: Policy and Regulatory Implications of the New Life Sciences

Chair: Ahmed Shawki

Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley

1. Thomas Hoban; Understanding Public Concerns

2. John Dodds; The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on

Crop Improvement

3. Albert Sasson; Perception & Acceptance of Society in some

Developing Countries

4. Steen Riisgard; Life Sciences and Industrial Development

Discussant: James Gadsen

1330-1430 Lunch

1430-1630 Plenary Session 6: Closing Session-Mapping the Future and Beyond

Chair: Nadia Makram Ebeid

Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley Reporting on Parallel Sessions

Report 1: Cynthia Schneider; Food and Agriculture

Report 2: Effat Badr; Health Applications

Report 3; John Dodds; Ethics and Environmental Safety Discussion

1630-1700 Coffee Break

1700-1745 Federico Mayor & P. Desmarescaux; Towards a new Partnerships

1745-1830 Ismail Serageldin; Closing Address: Alexandria and Beyond: The Way Forward




0900-1800 Official Visits to Egyptian Biotechnology Facilities and Research Programs (AGERI, Cairo) Alexandria & Cairo Tours (by arrangement)

