Under the auspices of
Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Dr. Youssuf Wally
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister
of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
Dr. Ismail Serageldin
Library Director General &
Chairman of Conference
Alexandria Conference on
Voices of the South &
March 16-20, 2002
0800-0900 Registration at Library &
Conference Center, Alexandria
0900-1100 Inaugural Ceremonies Opening Address
1100-1130 Coffee Break
1130-1330 Plenary Session
1: The New Life Sciences
Chair: Mamdouh Riad
Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley
1. Ismail Serageldin; Science and the Poor
Gordon Conway; Biotechnology and the War on Poverty
3. Magdy Madkour; A Perspective from the South
Discussant: Ahmed Shawki
1330 -1430 Lunch
1430-1630 Plenary Session
2: Feeding the World
Chair: Hussein A. Gezairy
Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley
1. Donald Johnston; Biotechnologies: The Next Wave of
Innovation Technologies for
Sustainable Development
2. Adel El-Beltagy; The Arid Lands Experience: Crop
Improvement for the
Dry Areas
3. Klaus Leisinger; Biotechnology: The Role of the
Private Sector
Discussant: Pat Roy Mooney
1630-1700 Coffee Break
1700-1830 Special Plenary
Session 3: Special Round Table Discussion
Ismail Serageldin, Donald Johnston, Jennifer Thompson, Marc Van Montagu, Pat Mooney, Thomas Hoban
0900-1100 Parallel Panel
Sessions on the State of the Art
Panel 1: Theme 1: Food and
Chair: Mohamed Nasr El-Deen Damir
Rapporteur: Cynthia Schneider
1. Marc Van Montagu; The State of the Art in Plant Biotechnology
2. Hassan M. Younis;
3. Rudy Rabbinge; Emerging Issues for International
Agricultural Research
Discussant: Hisham Moharram
Panel 2: Theme 2: Human
Chair: Mahmoud Abou El
Rapporteur: Effat Badr
1. Paul Herrling; Post Genomic Pharmaceutical Discovery
2. Haider Ghaleb; Prospects for Improving Human Health in
the Developing World
3. Pierre Crooy; Prevention of Human Infectious Diseases in
Discussant: Yeya Toure
Panel 3: Theme 3: Ethics
& Environmental Safety
Chair: Mohamed El Kassas
Rapporteur: John Dodds
1. Brian Johnson; Biotechnology: Driven by Profit or Searching
for a Better Environment
2. Antonio Paes de Carvalho; Adding value to Brazilian
Biodiversity through
3. David Magnus; Ethical Issues in relation to the New Life
1100-1130 Coffee Break
1130-1330 Parallel Panel
Sessions on the Case Studies of
Developing Countries Experiences
Panel 4: Theme 1: Food
& Agriculture
Chair:Yousif A. Al-Shayji
Rapporteur: Cynthia Scshneider
1. Eusebius Mukhwana; Biotechnology and Agriculture in
Sub-Saharan Africa
2. Julian Smith; Case Study and Bacterial Wilt Control in Kenya
Discussant: Rudy Rabbinge
Panel 5: Theme 2: Human
Chair: Ismail Serageldin
Rapporteur: Effat Badr
1. J.M. Gopo; Development, Commercialization & Marketing
of a Salmonella...
2. Mohammed El Dawy; A view from Egypt
3. Abdel Aziz Saleh; The role of International Organizations
Discussant: Paul Herrling
Chair: Nadia Makram Ebeid Rapporteur: John
1. Lucia Aleixo; Biotechnology & Biosafety in Brazil
Discussant: Salah Soliman
1430-1630 Parellel Panel
Sessions on the Case Studies of
International Experiences
Panel 7: Theme 1: Food
& Agriculture
Chair: Mohamed Abdellah
Rapporteur: Cynthia Schneider
1. George John; New Biotechnology Applications in Fish
2. Mostafa Abou Elni/Mohamed Saleem; KISR experience with
Drought Tolerance
Discussant: Mohamed Idris
Panel 8: Theme 2: Human
Chair: Claudio Carlone
Rapporteur: Effat Badr
1. Noel Murphy; Novel Approaches for Vaccine Development
against Trypanosomiasis
in Africa
2. Mamdouh Gabr; Perspective from Civil Society
3. Mohamed Saber; Perspective from the Life Science Industry
Discussant: Ahmed Shawki
Chair: Said El Dakkak
Rapporteur: John Dodds
1. Klaus Ammann; The Scientific Basis of Bio Safety
2. Michael Oborne and Peter
Kearns; International
in Biosafety: The OECD
3. Jennifer Thomson; Emerging Regulatory Regimes in Africa
Discussant: Adel Abou Zahra
1630-1700 Coffee Break
1700-1830 Special Tours of the Library of Alexandria & the Planetarium & POSTER SESSION
0900-1100 Special Plenary
Session 4: Genetic Resources & Biotechnology
Chair: Gamal Mokhtar
Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley
1. Jennifer Thompson; Observations on International Frameworks for Biotechnology &
2. Ismail Serageldin; Protecting Our Genetic Resources (Global
3. David Taylor; Genetic Diversity, Disease and Biotechnology
4. Greg Jaffe; Role of Civil Society in the New Life Sciences
Discussant: A. Von der Osten
1100-1130 Coffee Break
1130-1330 Plenary Session
5: Policy and Regulatory Implications of the New Life Sciences
Chair: Ahmed Shawki
Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley
1. Thomas Hoban; Understanding Public Concerns
2. John Dodds; The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on
Crop Improvement
3. Albert Sasson; Perception & Acceptance of Society in some
Developing Countries
4. Steen Riisgard; Life Sciences and Industrial Development
Discussant: James Gadsen
1330-1430 Lunch
1430-1630 Plenary Session
6: Closing Session-Mapping the Future and Beyond
Chair: Nadia Makram Ebeid
Rapporteur: Gabrielle Persley Reporting on Parallel Sessions
Report 1: Cynthia Schneider; Food and Agriculture
Report 2: Effat Badr; Health Applications
Report 3; John Dodds; Ethics and Environmental Safety Discussion
1630-1700 Coffee Break
1700-1745 Federico Mayor
& P. Desmarescaux; Towards a new Partnerships
1745-1830 Ismail Serageldin; Closing Address: Alexandria and Beyond: The Way Forward
0900-1800 Official Visits
to Egyptian Biotechnology Facilities and Research Programs (AGERI, Cairo)
Alexandria & Cairo Tours (by arrangement)