
During the conference, speakers from Egypt and France will tackle political, economic, and cultural topics. Among these distinguished speakers are Dr. Ahmed Darwish, Chairman of the General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone; Dr. Khaled El-Enany, Minister of Antiquities; Amr Moussa, former General Secretary of the Arab League of States and former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mounir Abdel Nour, former Minister of Trade and Industry; novelist Ibrahim Abdel Meguid; Nabil Haglawy, Consul General of France in Alexandria; and Professor Albert Lourde, Dean of Senghor University in Alexandria.

The opening session of the conference will feature several speakers, including Ambassador André Parant, French Ambassador to Egypt; Mahmoud al-Qaisi, Head of the French Chamber of Trade and Industry; and Sameh Shoukry, Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the BA, will also deliver a lecture titled “The Saga of Egypt and France: Two Centuries of Fruitful Interactions”. Simultaneous interpretation from French into Arabic will be available during each session of the conference.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC Small Theater 17 Oct 2016 09:00 21:00 Conference Open For Public
BACC Small Theater 18 Oct 2016 09:00 21:00 Conference Open For Public