Lectures at the BA Celebrating the World Environmental Day

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Alexandria—Under the auspices of General Adel Labib, Governor of Alexandria, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Bank Public Information Center (PIC)- BA Depository Library are organizing a celebration of the World Environment Day (WED).

The theme of WED 2009 is “Your Planet Needs You-Unite to Combat Climate Change”. Pre-celebrations were also held on 7 and 14 May 2009, and another celebration would be organized on 4 June 2009. Topics of discussions will be role of Media in protecting the environment, role of the art in saving the environment, role of the Ministry of Environment in addressing climate change in Egypt, role of youth and sports in protecting the environment, role of Alexandria University towards the environment in Alexandria, role of NGO'S in raising awareness among youth about climate change, and role of Ministry of Culture in raising awareness on the environment.

Distinguished figures, ambassadors, professors and youth will participate in the celebration to show their interest in saving the environment.

Click here for the program of the lecture held on 4 June 2009 in Arabic.


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