A Lecture on the Role of Women in Science at the BA

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Alexandria — Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria gave a lecture entitled “the Role of Women in Science” on Wednesday, 1 of November, on the nature of sciences in general, values related to science, and the role of women in science.

Dr. Serageldin defined science as a vital tool in organizing knowledge in a way that it commands more of the hidden potentials of nature. Dr. Serageldin stressed on the importance of differentiating between human sciences and natural sciences, which follow the same scientific methodology.

He moved to the role of women in science to spread the awareness among youth not to repeat the mistakes of the past and to realize the role of women in elevating their societies. Though women participation in science is obvious today, studies state that the percentage of women in science is way behind the percentage of men in the same field. Studies prove that this is due to the difference in the ability to comprehend complex sciences. Dr. Serageldin stated that this negative fact is due to discrimination against women in science, and that humanity will incur the loss of women efforts in this field.

Dr. Serageldin finally gave examples of women who excelled in science, such as Agnodice, Marie Curie, the famous twentieth century scientist, Florence Nightengale in nursing, Ada Lovelace, known in the nineteenth century as the first computer programmer, and may more.


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