BA Hosts Excellence in Journalism Day

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The BA hosted the Excellence in Journalism Day celebrations on Monday, 5 October 2015 for the Syndicate of Journalists in Alexandria. During the celebration, winners in the excellence in journalism competition were announced, several people were honored for their journalistic services, and journalists’ children were later honored for their outstanding academic achievements.

The Excellence in Journalism competition was organized by the Syndicate of Journalists in Alexandria in collaboration with Unilever Mashreq for the second consecutive year. It is one of the most prominent competitions that aim to encourage serious and outstanding journalistic efforts in fields of development and services. This promotes journalism’s main goal and encourages its role in social service and benefitting public interest.

The Syndicate also corroborated the recommendations given by the jury to hold training sessions for journalists in Alexandria in different journalistic fields. The jury also suggested adding new sections to the competition, as well as creating a website and hiring permanent administrative staff for the award.

The celebration was attended by members of the General Assembly of the Syndicate of Journalists in Alexandria, alongside numerous media professors and journalists.
