Popular Editions of BA Publications Along with Akhbar El-Yom

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The BA is currently carrying out a project to combat extremism and terrorism in the Egyptian community, in collaboration with a number of organizations. In this regard, Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the BA, has signed an agreement with Yasser Rizk, Chairman of Akhbar El-Yom, to publish popular editions of its two publication series: Marased and Awrak.

Marased specializes in sociology of religion and exposes the flawed ideologies held by extremist groups. Twenty seven Arabic editions and four English ones of the series have been published.

As for the second series, Awrak, it specializes in futuristic studies and aims to disseminate advanced ideologies in Egypt and to promote futurology. Eighteen Arabic editions and one English edition of Awrak have already been published. It is a scientifically reviewed publication series. However, it is not published periodically.
