Dr. Kahn Introduces a New Approach to Manage Information on the Net

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Alexandria—The BA Information and Communication Technology Sector (ICT) organized on Thursday, 19 November 2009, a Lecture entitled “Managing Information on the Net: The Digital Object Architecture”, by Dr. Robert Elliot Kahn, Chairman, CEO and President of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) and co-inventor of the Internet. The Lecture was attended by academia, specialists and students.

Dr. Kahn expressed his delight about lecturing in Egypt, which he visits for the first time, and especially at the BA, which is striving to regain the spirit of innovation and openness that has marked the Ancient Library of Alexandria.

He explained that the Digital Object Architecture (DOA) is a very general architectural approach to managing information on the net, much as the Internet architecture was a very general approach to interconnecting networks and computers. He pointed out that the DOA depends on the same protocols that manage internet architecture, but it allows for digital information to be managed effectively over long time frames.

He also added that the DOA can handle institutional as well as personal and/or proprietary information in a way that allows organizations to both protect and share information in the future.

Dr. Kahn is an engineer who, along with Vinton G. Cerf, invented the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP), the technologies used to transmit information on the Internet.


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