Young Researchers, Activists and Media Specialists Present their Reflections on the 25th of January Revolution

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The BA organized on Sunday, 20 February 2011, an event entitled “Reflections on the Revolution” with the participation of a number of Alexandrian activists, researchers, and media specialists from different political backgrounds and ideologies.

The Event was moderated by Researcher and Activist Aly El-Raggal, and attended by a large group of people who was also engaged in the dialogue. The first part hosted a number of political activists and researchers, who discussed the political, social and cultural outcomes of the Revolution, and its impact on the public attitude at large.

Mohamed Samir pointed out that the Revolution strengthened the value of collaboration and common action between different political and ideological trends. He stressed on the necessity of preserving this spirit through joint projects, and added that the Revolution did not come to an end on 11 February 2011— when Former President Hosni Mubarak stepped down.

“The former regime was rotten and corrupt to an extent that called for immediate radical change not just a reform. I have strong faith in the power of people and I support what is referred to as “sector protests”, I see people demanding their legitimate right to a minimum sum of wages or the change of any corrupt board in an institution”, said Mahinour El-Masry.

In the same context, Abd El-Rahman Mahmoud pointed out that the Revolution will not end except with the emergence of a new structure, not just a political regime. He said that the Revolution uncovered the whole society and shed light on the actual role of institutions. “The Revolution contributed greatly to the change in the current political parties so that they would address the needs of the people, rather than the regime”, added Mahmoud.

Ismail Alexandrani agreed that the former regime was not completely uprooted. He explained that the Revolution showed us how we were stuck in ideological, political and religious categories, leading to vicious circles.

In the second part of the Event, media specialists reflected on their different experiences during the Revolution. Journalist Abd El-Rahman Youssef spoke of the significant role of media in shaping public awareness, referring to the 25th January as a revolution of awareness.

Journalist Ahmed Tarek said that the Revolution’s highlight was not the stepping down of Mubarak, it was entrenching the concept of revolting against corruption, injustice and submission in the society.

Photojournalist Ahmed Nagy Draz spoke of the importance of photographs, especially after the case of Khaled Said. “A Photograph documents lives and history. It was indeed one of the key players in the Revolution. Newspapers were full of photographers, which were more expressive than words”, added Draz.

This Event is part of a series of events that the BA intends to hold in the coming period to reflect on the Revolution, especially transformations, experiences and testimonies, which were not brought to the scene before, in addition to discussions focusing on the future of Egypt after the Revolution through constructive dialogue, bringing together different ideologies and backgrounds.
