Meeting with the Families of the 25th of January Egyptian Revolution Martyrs at the BA

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The BA holds a meeting with the families of the 25th of January Revolution Martyrs on Thursday, 24 February, 2011, in order to discuss their vision of the future and their demands in relation to what happened to their loved ones.


The Event hosts Mr. Khallaf Bayoumi, the lawyer who is in charge of the martyrs’ cases, and Dr. Emad Hussein, Lecturer of Modern and Contemporary History. It will aim to list the names of the martyrs and wounded of the revolution to claim their rights and send charged police officers to court.

It is worth mentioning that the Memory of Modern Egypt (MoME) project started to document the 25th of January Revolution, as a milestone in the Egyptian history.

The Event is held at the BACC Small Theater at 4:00 pm, and is open for public.
