A Seminar about the Future of the Muslim Brotherhood Society

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The BA Futuristic Unit holds a Seminar on Wednesday, 23 March 2011, on the Future of the Muslim Brotherhood Society, hosting Dr. Abd El-Meneam Abu El-Fottoh, one of the leaders of the society.

The Seminar attempts to analyze the current status of the Muslim Brotherhood Society, and assess its political and ideological future. It touches upon the role of the Society in the 25 January Revolution, its perception of the political and revolutionary scene, the different transformations which the society has gone through, and its relation with different political and ideological movements.

“The Future of Muslim Brotherhood Society” is part of the strategy of the Futuristic Unit to read the post-revolution scene in Egypt. It complements the Training Program launched by the Unit to spread political awareness, partially by analyzing different political and ideological trends.

The Seminar starts at 6:30 pm at the BACC Small Theater, and is open for public.
