Presenting Comparative Examples of Democratic Transition

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Within the BA Political Awareness Training Program, the BA Futuristic Studies Unit held on Monday, 11 April 2011, a lecture entitled “Comparative Examples of Democratic Transition”, given by Dr. Dina Shehata, Researcher at the Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies.

The Lecture presented the third wave of democratic transition that was widespread in different parts of the world in the past few decades. The revolutions and uprisings that the Arab world is currently witnessing are considered the fourth wave.

Shehata listed the patterns of democratic transition in general resulting from political rifts among the ruling system, similar to what happened in Spain and Argentina; popular revolutions and uprisings similar to Latin America and Indonesian experiences; military coup d'état as was in Portugal; or the theory of the “domino effect”, not excluding the role of external factors.

The lecture examined the experiences of Spain, Portugal and Indonesia in this regard, with projection on the Egyptian case.

The coming lecture within the political awareness program will be held on Saturday, 16 April 2011, entitled “Right and Left Wings, and the Third Path, with a Special Reference to the Egyptian Case”, by Researcher and Trainer Mohamed Sabet.
