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Rick Rashid A data driven world
On Tuesday 18 May 2010, Mr. Richard F. Rashid -Senior Vice President at Microsoft- has visited the library and gave a lecture titled “A data driven world”. The lecture tackled the idea of how the ability to collect, store and process large amounts of data, has initiated new paradigms for solving problems. Additionally, he has discussed the significant shift in the way problems are being solved specifically in computer science and generally in other sciences, and the implications of this shift for Microsoft.
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Bebo White The Emergence of Web Science
In continuation to the series of lectures on information and knowledge society, ISIS invited Professor. Bebo White, Departmental Associate (emeritus) at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), the national high-energy physics laboratory at Stanford University.
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Ahmed K.Elmagarmid: Cyber Communties - Enabling Innovation in Science and Technology
In further realization of its goal to be a place for dialogue, knowledge sharing, learning and understanding, ISIS invited Professor. Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, director of the Cyber Center in Discovery Park and the Indiana Center for Database Systems, to give a lecture on Cyber Infrastructure.
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