: English / ÚÑÈì ÚÑÈì


Dr Maha Morsy Arab
Founder of Ishraqa Cultural Center


Dr. Maha holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, and a Master in Bacteriology from the Higher Institute of Public Health, and a Diploma in Medical Tests, from Faculty of Pharmacy. She is a member of Syndicate of Fine Arts. She carried out many studies in Egypt, Denmark, and England since 1991 in various areas of human development, self-development, behavioral modification, and self-healing.

She held a number of art exhibitions in Egypt and Dubai, as well as workshops in Egypt, Dubai, and the USA on methods of self-development, self-healing, and expressive drawing. She established the BEE Program for children’s skills development and behavior modification. Dr. Maha published a book entitled Discover It Yourself and Enjoy Life, and a collection of children’s stories entitled Tales from the Heart. She also presented nine plays for Children.



Presentation Abstract

Courteous Behavior Distinguishes Future Children 

In our modern time, we often hear the term "self-development" or "human development science". These sciences started to be known in the nineties in most of the Western world, and then in the Arab world. They aim to understand the human soul, develop personal aspects, develop capabilities and skills of the individual, set life goals and how to achieve them. These sciences also address topics related to the art of conversation, methods of social communication, art of public speech, methods of problem-solving, building self-confidence, the ability to organize time in practical ways, as well as art of leadership.

This is what we are trying to achieve through "BEE: Behavioral Entertainment Education" Program for children. The Program is based on directing the child through entertaining and educational methods that works on modifying behavior and building high moralities, which we were brought up on. Examples of these methods are arts, painting, handicrafts, group games, story telling, puppet theater, cartoons and short films (that focus on the beautiful behaviors), and certain plants cultivation.

These diverse ways can nicely help the child to gain self-confidence, together with the primary goal of skills development, and guidance to good behavior. The child who learns from the beginning to be outstanding scientifically and behaviorally, can plan the road to success in life with great ease, and that is our hope for the future children.