Speaker Details
Habiba Chaabouni
Head, Genetic Laborator, University of Tunis
Dr. Bouhamed-Chaabouni is professor of medical genetics in University of Tunis and Chief of the Department of Congenital and Hereditary Diseases, Charles Nicolle Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia. She is director of the Human Genetics Research Laboratory at the Faculty of Medicine, Tunis. Prof. Chaabouni developed medical genetics courses for undergraduate students in medical schools of Tunisia, for graduated residents in medical genetics and implemented Master of Sciences in Human Genetics. She implemented genetic counseling clinics and prenatal diagnosis as medical facilities in Tunisia from more than 25 years. Prof. Chaabouni conducted several studies on consanguinity, genetic polymorphism and genetic disorders. She authored and co-authored more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed publications. In 2006, Prof. Chaabouni received the prestigious award of L'Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science based on her groundbreaking achievements and contributions to scientific progress. In 2007, she received in Italy the International Price “LATIUM tra Europa e Mediterraneo” for Scientific Research. Prof. Chaabouni is member of several organisms working in the field of genetic disorders including Orphanet and the Centre for Arab Genomic Studies. She is also member of several scientific societies.
Presentation Abstract:
Economy becomes based more and more on science and technology progress. It is admitted today the role of scientific knowledge and applications in all life sectors: agriculture, health, environment, industry, finance etc. Science must be methodical and linear and the scientists get results methodically through a long, tedious process. It takes one idea and proves or disproves it. Science has to be accepted and understood by large public. There is another category of people, who are not scientists, but they share a lot with them, they are the creative persons. Creative person has a different way of thinking from a scientist. They take in many things and put them together. Creative people see the big picture, and can do the global thinking that may lead to new perspectives. Often they reach the same conclusions, through different processes. Although all these people: scientists, creative people and large public have to interact and to work together. Close collaboration is a good way to the success.
That’s why in our countries we need to support scientific research, to enhance science visibility and to encourage creative people. Establishing networks becomes a necessity for our region. National and international experience will help to manage knowledge as well as knowledge building. Networks that bring organizations, groups, programmes together are a vital strategy in the response to humanity progress.
Although many organizations recognize the vital role of networks, the reality is that establishing an effective network is fraught with problems.
The strength of a network is in its members extent of ownership. When a network lacks members ownership, its agenda is increasingly driven by a small group. This causes frustrations and finally disentanglement from the network by other members.
Once the network has its strength built though ownership by all members, the network can begin to involve in more demanding activities like advocacy.
Networking for scientists from the North Africa and Middle East countries to share information, expertise, training, and regional cooperation in different fields; coordination of national and regional surveys for assessment of innovation systems, science capacity, government policies, legislation and regulations, intellectual property policies, private sector activity is as important as developing consortia on a scientific theme.
Some people took the initiative of developing networks in biotechnology and established the EMGBH that started working from few months. We hope such ideas will be developed between research centres and between science cities to involve and develop public understanding.
Status: Confirmed