Hoda El-Mikaty
Founder and current president of the North Africa and Middle East Network of Science Centers (NAMES)
Eng. El-Mikaty received her Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Communication from the University of Alexandria, Faculty of Engineering, and a Masters degree in Parallel Processing from the University of Liverpool, England. She joined the BA as part of the Construction Monitoring Unit Team during the Library’s construction phase. In 2000, she took over the management of the Planetarium Science Center in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, where she introduced the first hands-on informal science education facility in Alexandria. She is founder and current president of the North Africa and Middle East Network of Science Centers (NAMES) since 2006. Eng. El-Mikaty is the founder of the IEEE Egyptian women in Engineering (WIE) affinity group and chaired it 2008/2009. Eng. El-Mikaty’s main interest lie in the dissemination of science, the scientific method and the values of science to the general public with special emphasis on school and university students. She is also
Status: Confirmed