Ibrahim Negm
Senior advisor to Sheikh Ali Gomaa, The Grand Mufti of Egypt.
He was awarded a distinguished fellowship to conduct research at Harvard Law School in 1996. He was also a visiting Researcher at the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences. He was also a visiting Scholar and researcher at Oxford University, UK, 2002. He obtained his Ph.D. in Islamic Studies in 2005 from Graduate Theological Foundation, IN. After earning his graduate Degree, he was awarded an adjunct position as an Assistant Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at St. John's University in New York. He served as a full time Imam and Director at the Islamic Center of South Shore in New York. He then served as the first Director of the Islamic Learning Foundation in College Point NY. Sheikh Negm is currently serving as a senior advisor to Sheikh Ali Gomaa, The Grand Mufti of Egypt.
Status: Confirmed