Alexscope Festivity

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Alexandria— The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) will organize on Monday, 18 June, Alexscope Festivity, which is a series of technical events organized by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) started 13 April 2006 and is held monthly or bimonthly, about different topics of ...

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Two Lectures on Biological Diversity and Environmental Concerns

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Alexandria— The BA will organize on Sunday, 17 June 2007, two lectures on "Biological Diversity and Environmental Concerns" defining different environmental problems and means of managing them. Dr. Salah Soliman, Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, and Advisor to the BA ...

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Regional Seminar on Audiovisual Archives

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Alexandria— the BA, in cooperation with Institut National de l’audiovisuel (INA), will organize during the period from 18-20 June 2007, a regional seminar on audi-visual archives entitled " Audiovisual Archives in the Digital Era: A New Deal", with the support of the French Embassy in Egypt, the ...

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"Religions Unite People"

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Alexandria— The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex-Med) will co-host on Friday 15th a seminar under the title of "Religions Unite People," along with Tawasul Center. The seminar brings together speakers from the fields of international politics, theology, and academe. The ...

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