Seminar: Egyptian American Relations

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Alexandria— The BA Dialogue Forum organizes on Saturday, 21 April 2007, a seminar entitled " Egyptian American Relations" by Ahmed Maher, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs. The seminar will be chaired by Ambassador Ali Maher, Director, Peace Studies Institute. The seminar will discuss the ...

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Imagining the Book and the Vegetal Memory

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Alexandria— the BA Arts Center will organize Imagining the Book Biennale 2007 from 17 April 2007 to 12 May 2007, held this year under the theme (Imagining the Book and Vegetal Memory) chaired by Dr. Mostafa El-Razaz, the BA Plastic Arts Advisor. This years Biennale tackles the artistic and creative ...

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International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

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Alexandria— the Peace Studies Institute, in cooperation with the UN depository Library at the BA, organized a lecture entitled "the International Campaign Against Landmines" on Wednesday, 11 April 2007, by Ambassador Ali Maher, Director, Peace Studies Institute, on the occasion of the International ...

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