Search results for "Planetarium Science Center (PSC)"

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Nobel Laureate Eric Chivian Talks about Biodiversity at the BA

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The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) hosts Dr. Eric Chivian, Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School, and 1985 Peace Nobel Laureate on Thursday, 30 December 2010. Chivian gives a Lecture entitled “How Our Health Depends on Nature” in which he examines ...

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“Biodiversity: Play and Learn” Exhibition

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As part of the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB) 2010, the BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) organizes “Biodiversity: Play and Learn” Exhibition from 9 to 24 November 2010. Through fascinating interactive exhibits, hands-on activities and movies, the Exhibition offers young visitors the ...

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“Le Génie des Pyramides” Workshop

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 The BA Planetarium Science Center holds “Le Génie des Pyramides” workshop by Dr. Pierre Crozat on Friday, 29 October 2010. The workshop aims to build a small model (3.5 X 3.5 m.) of one of the Giza Pyramids, using the pharos’ construction theories. Eighty students from 4 middle schools ...

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“Palestine 1948: Remembering a Past Homeland” Exhibition

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The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC) holds a documentary exhibition entitled “Palestine 1948: Remembering a Past Homeland” from 19 August to 9 October 2010. The Exhibition will be inaugurated by Ambassador Barakat El-Farra, Ambassador of Palestine to Egypt, and Mr. Gamal El-Gamal, Consul of ...

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“Interact with Today’s World” at the BA

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Organized by the IEEE Alex Student Branch for the fourth successive year, under the auspices of the BA International School of Information Science (ISIS), and with the sponsorship of prominent companies in the ICT field, “Interact with Today’s World” was held at the BA from 2 to 4 July 2010. The ...

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