Ring of Fire (NOT showing now)
Duration: 40 Minutes

Our earth was born of fire. Today, more than four hundred active volcanoes shape life on the Pacific Rim; geologists call it “The Ring of Fire.”


Here, where half a billion people dwell, is a window on the awesome geological forces that shape our planet: … In Beppu, people have learned to live with volcanic powers, harnessing their geothermal energy for health and relaxation. … Deep within the crater of the notorious volcano of Kawah Idgen, there are those who seek their living directly from the cauldrons of Hell. … High on the slopes of the sleeping volcano, at the surviving Mother Temple of all Bali, the Kecak Dance unfolds. … The rich fertile land which is the wealth of Indonesia is a gift of the volcanoes. … Not only humans are adapted to life on the Ring of Fire.


Creation did not happen just once. Creation continues. It is a beginning without end. The Earth is alive.

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