The Funny Flower Eater
29 February 2008


The Funny Flower Eater
The picture shows a rose-ringed parakeet parrot feeding on flowers. A bee is visible to the left of the parrot.
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist


Rose-ringed parakeet parrots are beautiful tropical birds. They successfully colonized Egypt, early in the 20th century. Exercising his favorite hobby of wildlife photography, BA Senior Astronomy Specialist, Aymen Ibrahem, recently took intriguing images of these intelligent, active birds.

The rose-ringed parakeets are popular pets. They have the widest geographical distribution of all parrots. They can be found in a range extending from North Africa to the Far East. They were also introduced to parts of Europe and the US. In Cairo, Egypt, they can be observed in parks and gardens. They excavate their nests in palm trees.

The rose-ringed parakeet parrots are bright green in color, with a hooked red bill. They measure about 40 cm in length. Their long, pointed tails account for much of the body’s length. Their diet includes buds, seeds, vegetables and fruits.

The rose-ringed parakeet parrots are gregarious, usually flying in flocks. Their flight is swift, rapid and direct. They are noisy birds, often uttering loudly a characteristic scream “kea-ak”.
Ibrahem’s images show rose-ringed parakeets feeding on flowers. Some of his images are presented in the picture gallery below.

Picture Gallery



Fig (1)
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist



Fig (2)
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist



Fig (3)
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist



Fig (4)
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist



Fig (5)
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist


Further Reading

Season’s Greetings

White Wagtails Return to Alexandria

Observing the BA Sundial


The Encyclopedia of Birds, Christopher Perrins and Alex Middleton, Facts on File Inc., 1993.
A Photographic Guide to Birds of Egypt and the Middle East, Porter and Cottridge, AUC Press, 2001.

Aymen Mohamed Ibrahem
Senior Astronomy Specialist

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