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Doing the right thing approximately not the wrong thing precisely : challenges of monitoring impacts of pro-poor interventions in tourism value chains

Document type: report
Download file(s): 116226 (840 KB)
Abstract: A literature review of evaluating and monitoring the impact of pro-poor tourism value chain initiatives is presented, using studies from Cambodia, The Gambia, India, Laos, and Rwanda. The paper is not a detailed guide to the M&E process, nor a checklist of data needs, nor a set of methodologies for impact assessment. It does seek, however, to provide some guidance on key questions to address in measuring the impact of value chain interventions, and the extent to which information needs differ for diagnostics, baselines, and monitoring. But because pro-poor value chain approaches in tourism are relatively new, it focuses as much on the context and intervention logic within which these intervention needs are framed. It is also essential to reflect on how value chain mapping has been used to date, and what lessons can be learnt from the methods applied.
Authors: Ashley, C. , Mitchell, J.
Series Title: Working Paper
Category: Research
ISBN: 978-0-85003-874-3
Serial number: 291
Keywords: tourism , poverty , evaluation
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
PAGE: iv, 45
Place: London [etc.]
Publisher: Overseas Development Institute (ODI) [etc.]
Year: 2008
Right: © 2008 ODI, SNV and IFC
Subject: Economic Development and Trade
Title: Doing the right thing approximately not the wrong thing precisely : challenges of monitoring impacts of pro-poor interventions in tourism value chains

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