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In harm’s way : how global abstinence-only and Global Gag Rule policies restrict sexuality around the world

Document type: article
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Abstract: Many reproductive and sexual health rights organizations have reported on the impact of anti-abortion and abstinence-only policies on women’s reproductive health decisions. However, little is known on how these policies have affected men who have sex with men and other sexual minorities. In this article, the author shows how US-induced policies have led to a cut in vital funding support for sexual minority organizations, and asks for case studies from developing countries where the introduction of these policies have led to visible discrimination of sexual minorities.
Authors: Sastrawidjaja, S.T.
Category: Policy
End Page: 29
Serial number: 1
ISSN: [1871-7551]
Journal: Exchange on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and gender
Keywords: HIV and AIDS , disease prevention and control , policy , aid financing
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
Year: 2005
Right: © 2005 KIT
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Start Page: 28
Title: In harm’s way : how global abstinence-only and Global Gag Rule policies restrict sexuality around the world

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