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Social inclusion and diversity through ECCE in northeastern Albania

Document type: article
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Abstract: It is well known that early childhood care and education (ECCE) programmes can compensate for disadvantage, regardless of underlying factors such as poverty, gender and ethnicity. In Albania, ECCE happens primarily through state kindergartens, although private enterprises have mushroomed in the past 15 years. While there is no information on the percentage of children entering primary education with pre-school experience, we know that attendance in formal pre-school increases with age. For example, in 2002–03 the enrolment rate by age 3 was 30%, by age 4, 46% and by age 5, 63% (UNESCO 2007). The question is, how can we improve these attendance figures? We try to answer this question by offering the experience of Partnerë për Fëmijët1 (“Partners for Children”), an NGO in Albania, in setting up community-based ECCE centres called the Gardens of Mothers and Children Centre (hereafter called the Gardens) in the rural northeast areas of Albania, in the districts of Tropojë, Kukës and Dibër.
Authors: Orgocka, A. , Jones, I.
Country: Albania
Category: Practice
End Page: 28
Serial number: 108
ISSN: 1387-9553
Volume: June
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: children , communities , education
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2007
Region: Southern Europe
Right: © 2007 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Social and Political Change
Start Page: 25
Title: Social inclusion and diversity through ECCE in northeastern Albania

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