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Restorative play in refugee situations

Document type: article
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Abstract: This article discusses restorative play in refugee situations. There is little literature devoted to how children who live in refugee camps perceive the reasons that led them into exile and react to their new environment. This lack of literature is not surprising given the instability of this type of environment and the difficulty of following the same refugee children across extended periods of time. However, several relief organizations have been actively involved in a global effort to understand and to address the specific needs of refugee children. Throughout the past 20 years, an increasing awareness has progressively emerged that children in refugee camps have other important needs beyond the obvious material ones of food, shelter, and medicine. Play is one of these less obvious – but important – needs.
Authors: Naudeau, S.
Category: Research
End Page: 54
Serial number: 104
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: children , education , disasters and emergencies
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2005
Right: © 2005 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Culture, Society and Religion
Start Page: 51
Title: Restorative play in refugee situations

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