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The father in San culture : oral histories from Botswana and Namibia

Document type: article
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Abstract: This article shows the real challenges that face parents and children in environments that constrain and devalue them, and that also weaken ancient practices and beliefs that have traditionally provided positive support for the healthy development of their children. A number of clear themes run through the article. These include: the interface of San children with the education system and the clashes that result; and the differences between San and non-San with respect to discipline.
Authors: Le Roux, W.
Country: Botswana
Category: Research
End Page: 45
Serial number: 97
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: education , children , indigenous peoples , cultural heritage
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2001
Region: Southern Africa
Right: © 2001 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Education, Science and Technology
Start Page: 38
Title: The father in San culture : oral histories from Botswana and Namibia

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