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Hivos annual report 2002

Document type: ann_report
Download file(s): 133831 (1953 KB)
Abstract: This is the 2002 annual report of Hivos, a Dutch non-governmental development organization guided by humanist values. Together with local organisations in developing countries, Hivos strives for a world in which all citizens – both men and women – have equal access to resources and opportunities for development and can participate actively and equally in decision-making processes that determine their lives, their society and their future. Hivos provides financial resources, knowledge and advice as well as political support to these local private organisations. In addition, Hivos itself is active in the area of policy advocacy, both on the international stage and in the Netherlands. Civil society building and sustainable economic production are Hivos’ central policy themes.
Corporate author(s): Hivos
Category: General
Keywords: human rights , poverty , sustainable development
Language: eng
Organization: Hivos – Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation
PAGE: 56
Place: Den Haag
Publisher: Hivos
Year: 2003
Right: © 2003 Hivos
Subject: Development Cooperation General
Title: Hivos annual report 2002

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