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Food, feed and fuels : consequences of land use change patterns for livelihoods of marginalised people in the south : a knowledge survey and framework

Document type: report
Download file(s): 133838 (943 KB)
Abstract: From mid-2007 to early 2008 Hivos partnered with Stockholm Environment Institute to assess the state of knowledge on competing food, feed and fuels pressures on land use. The goal was to delineate knowledge needs in the field of sustainable economic development with a special focus on the economic position of marginalized groups. The results of this knowledge survey are summarized. Based on the outcome of the survey, Hivos has decided to broaden its focus and develop knowledge on small producers’ agency in the globalized market, and is currently exploring partnerships with interested knowledge centres.
Series Title: Hivos Knowledge Programme
Corporate author(s): Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos) , Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Category: Policy
Keywords: food , energy resources , agriculture
Language: eng
Organization: Hivos – Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation
PAGE: 70
Place: The Hague
Publisher: Hivos
Year: 2008
Right: © 2008 Hivos This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Netherlands License.
Subject: Agriculture and Rural Development
Title: Food, feed and fuels : consequences of land use change patterns for livelihoods of marginalised people in the south : a knowledge survey and framework

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