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Summary learning report Tanzania 2008 : impact of the Health programme

Document type: report
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Abstract: This report is a summary of the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) report on the Tanzania Health sector programme in 2008. IICD in collaboration with CORDAID have been supporting various health institutions to acquire, install and use management information systems to achieve higher degrees of efficiency and effectiveness in health care. The support has been in supplying the hard and software facility, training cum mentoring, monitoring and evaluation, and sharing of learning and experiences. Data from health project users in 4 institutions namely District Health Management Information Systems in Mwanza, St. Elisabeth hospital, ELCT - Selian hospital, and ELCT - Marangu hospital was collected and analysed. Important to point out is that evaluation reports are meant for learning, hence they focus on the outcomes and impact of the projects as well as their successes and challenges, rather than checking on project progress or money spent, which is done via progress reports.
Authors: Kwayu, C.
Series Title: Country Programmes
Country: Tanzania, United Republic of
Category: General
Keywords: information and communication technologies , health
Language: eng
Organization: IICD - International Institute for Communication and Development
PAGE: [3]
Place: [The Hague]
Publisher: IICD
Year: 2008
Region: Africa South of Sahara , East Africa
Right: © 2008 IICD
Subject: Information, Knowledge and Communication
Title: Summary learning report Tanzania 2008 : impact of the Health programme

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