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Augmenter la production agricole à travers les TIC : leçons apprises d'une fédération paysanne Burkinabè

Document type: report
Download file(s): 165857 (332 KB)
Abstract: This report discusses lessons learned from the project Sissili Vala Kori in Burkina Faso. Sissili Vala Kori is a project set up in 2005 to improve communication and information between the farmers’ federation FEPPASI and its members.
Authors: Lenoir, M. , Dagano, M.J.
Series Title: Rapport d'apprentissage
Country: Burkina Faso
Category: Practice
Keywords: agriculture , information and communication technologies , information services
Language: fra
Organization: IICD - International Institute for Communication and Development
Place: La Haye
Publisher: IICD
Year: 2010
Region: West Africa
Right: © 2010 IICD
Subject: Information, Knowledge and Communication
Title: Augmenter la production agricole à travers les TIC : leçons apprises d'une fédération paysanne Burkinabè

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