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Popular summary of the test reports on biogas stoves and lamps prepared by testing institutes in China, India and the Netherlands

Document type: report
Download file(s): 171754 (1477 KB)
Abstract: This report presents a summary of the test reports on biogas stoves and lamps prepared by testing institutes in China, India and the Netherlands. Stoves samples were obtained from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Lesotho, Nepal, Rwanda and Vietnam and lamps samples from Cambodia, Ethiopia, India and Nepal. Study findings for both lamps and stoves are provided for each country individually. The report also discusses the main problems encountered with the stoves and the lamps.
Authors: Khandelwal, K.C. , Gupta, V.K.
Country: Bangladesh , Cambodia , Ethiopia , India , Lesotho , Nepal , Rwanda , Viet Nam
Category: Research
Keywords: energy resources , sustainable development , research
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
PAGE: 48
Place: The Hague
Publisher: SNV
Year: 2009
Region: South Asia , Southeast Asia , East Africa , Southern Africa
Right: © 2009 SNV
Subject: Environment and Natural Resources
Title: Popular summary of the test reports on biogas stoves and lamps prepared by testing institutes in China, India and the Netherlands

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