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Meeting our 21st century challenges

Document type: article
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Abstract: In June 2010 the Centre for Alternative Technology launches its new report ZeroCarbonBritain 2030 – a policy and technology scenario designed to expand on the detail and answer questions raised by our initial report. Through integrating cutting-edge findings from leading experts and researchers from a variety of organizations and disciplines, ZeroCarbonBritain 2030 explores just what it is Britain must do to meet the scale and speed of the challenges defined by the most recent climate science. This report provides an overview of their analysis.
Authors: Allen, P.
Country: United Kingdom
Category: General
End Page: 11
Serial number: 1
ISSN: [2210-2175]
Volume: I
Journal: Spanda Journal : quarterly of the Spanda Foundation
Keywords: climate change , energy resources , sustainable development
Language: eng
Organization: Spanda Foundation
Year: 2010
Region: Western Europe
Right: © 2010 Spanda Foundation
Subject: Environment and Natural Resources
Start Page: 8
Title: Meeting our 21st century challenges

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