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Assessment of the effectiveness of the TB screening programme among injection drug users in Georgia

Document type: mthesis
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: IDU is widespread in Georgia and regardless of HIV status it is at increased risk of developing active TB. It is necessary to identify the screening and effectively address the TB cases among IDUs. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of the screening programme for identification of TB suspects and TB cases among IDUs in Georgia in order to reduce TB and MDR TB rate among IDUs. METHODOLOGY: Using the data of prospective cohort study: from April 2006 to January 2007 IDUs at harm reduction sites were screened for TB symptoms with the questionnaire. TB suspect cases were referred to TB units for verification of diagnosis. Relevant literature was reviewed. A pilot model was used to analyse the effectiveness of TB screening program among IDUs. FINDINGS: 1406 IDUs were screened for TB symptoms. 229 (16.3%) were classified as TB suspects. HIV results were obtained for 285 individuals, giving the HIV prevalence of 19%. Only 38 (16.6%) suspected TB cases were presented at TB units for further examination. TB was diagnosed in 30 cases, constituting the prevalence rate of 2133/100.000. In univariate analysis, active TB was associated with cough longer than 2 weeks in TB suspects (OR 8.57, CI 1.35-54.15). The findings of this paper also show that the utilization of harm reduction and TB services by IDUs being low, are influenced by several factors including socio-economical, cultural, legal, etc.. CONCLUSIONS: IDU and TB represent public health problem in Georgia, and stand high risk of TB among. Active case finding is one of the useful tools for addressing TB problem among this group. Low utilization of harm reduction services and low referral rate to TB units can be considered as constraints for coverage IDUs by TB screening and diagnosis. The low referral is basically due to poor coordination of TB and harm reduction services and also due to a low motivation of IDUs.
Authors: Mdivani, N.
Country: Georgia
Category: Research
Department: Development Policy & Practice
Institute: KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)
Keywords: disease prevention and control , health services
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
PAGE: vi, 59
Year: 2008
Region: Western Asia
Right: © 2008 Mdivani
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Title: Assessment of the effectiveness of the TB screening programme among injection drug users in Georgia
Training: Master of Public Health / International Course in Health Development (ICHD)

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