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Study to explore barriers to utilization of maternal delivery services in Kazungula district

Document type: mthesis
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Each year about 536 000 pregnancy related deaths occur worldwide, 99% are in the developing countries of these 50% occurring in sub Sahara Africa. Zambia’s maternal mortality ratio is 591/100 000 live births. Kazungula is a rural district in Zambia with 20% women using health facilities to deliver yet 40% is the national target. Evidence is that where use of maternal services is low, maternal deaths and disabilities are high as a result of barriers to access health facilities. Why are women not using health facilities to deliver? STUDY OBJECTIVE: To explore health service, cultural and economic barriers to using health facilities for delivery in Kazungula, recommend evidence based best practices applicable to Kazungula in order to improve uptake of health facility delivery services. METHODOLOGY: Literature review using international data bases, national and international sources. Poverty reduction strategic paper and Andersen’s 3 Factor Model are used to guide this study. FINDINGS: Findings of this study show that long distance to health centres, poor roads, and limited transport, shortage of skilled birth attendants, inadequate supplies, equipment and lack of responsiveness to the users needs are health service factors influencing health facility use. Lower than primary education level of women and husbands, traditional beliefs, perception of pregnancy not being an illness, and low family income contribute to non-use of health centres for delivery. Evidence from literature review shows that maternal waiting Homes, skilled birth attendants training, community based financial insurance/loan schemes and improving women’s status increases use of health facilities for delivery. RECOMMENDATIONS: Evidence based recommendations include, to set up community loans/schemes and obstetric emergency transport. Train and maintain linkages with community agents. Improve conditions in maternal waiting homes, train, increase number and retain skilled birth attendants. Provide privacy, respect women, their beliefs and traditions. Advocate improving women’s status.
Authors: Shankwaya, S.
Country: Zambia
Category: Research
Department: Development Policy & Practice
Institute: KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)
Keywords: maternal and child health , health services
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
PAGE: viii, 55
Year: 2009
Region: East Africa
Right: © 2009 Shankwaya
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Title: Study to explore barriers to utilization of maternal delivery services in Kazungula district
Training: Master of Public Health / International Course in Health Development (ICHD)

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