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Enhancing the trade of legally produced timber : a guide to initiatives

Document type: report
Download file(s): 443194 (3194 KB)
Abstract: There is growing recognition that enhancing the legality of the production and trade of timber is an essential prerequisite in achieving sustainable forest management (SFM). A broad array of regional, national and global initiatives has emerged, particularly in the last decade. These initiatives comprise a diverse mix of public, private and NGO efforts to support policy development, implementation and knowledge and capacity building. This publication is a guide to the major initiatives that promote the legal production and trade of timber. The 127 initiatives described in this document are classified according to four categories: a) government-based; b) private sector; c) NGOs; and d) knowledge and capacity building initiatives. The initiatives in this guide illustrate the global scope and dimensions of the problem and the nature and diversity of responses that have emerged at the various policy levels and in the private and NGO sectors. The guide also shows how these initiatives relate to each other. The range of initiatives reflects the increasing commitment from a large variety of stakeholders who are willing to address illegality in the forest sector — substantial momentum has been created. Still, some countries and regions either have limited or no initiatives.
Authors: Dam, J. van , Savenije, H.
Country: Ghana
Category: Practice
ISBN: 978-90-5113-096-6
Keywords: capacity building , forestry , sustainable development , trade
Language: eng
Organization: Tropenbos International
PAGE: xii, 254
Place: Wageningen
Publisher: Tropenbos International
Year: 2011
Region: West Africa
Right: © 2011 Tropenbos International
Subject: Economic Development and Trade
Title: Enhancing the trade of legally produced timber : a guide to initiatives

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