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Rapport biannuel 2010-2011 : mettre le savoir au service des forêts et de l'homme

Document type: ann_report
Download file(s): 460180 (3597 KB)
Abstract: This is the biannual report of Tropenbos International RD Congo for the years 2010-2011. The objective of TBI in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) is to support sustainable economic development and conservation of the Congo Basin forests by promoting the application of responsible forest polices and practices for the benefit of rural forest dependent population and the sustainable use and management of the natural resources.
Note: Texte: J. Bolongo Bekondi & C. Benneker
Corporate author(s): Tropenbos International RD Congo
Country: Congo
Category: General
Keywords: environmental degradation , forestry , natural resources , rural development
Language: fra
Organization: Tropenbos International
PAGE: iv, 17
Place: Kisangani
Publisher: Tropenbos International RD Congo
Year: 2011
Region: Africa South of Sahara , Central Africa
Right: © 2011 Tropenbos International RD Congo
Subject: Environment and Natural Resources
Title: Rapport biannuel 2010-2011 : mettre le savoir au service des forêts et de l'homme

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