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What is the impact of microfinance, and what does this imply for microfinance policy and for future impact studies?

Document type: report
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Abstract: OPM was commissioned by MicroNed, the network of Dutch Development Finance Organisations, to prepare and present a paper on the impact of microfinance to the annual MicroNed conference held at RaboBank, Utrecht, on 28 June 2011. The paper was a response to growing interest in the impact of microfinance on the lives of the poor. It examines the methodological approaches and rigour of the major impact studies influencing the current debate and draws conclusions on the impact of microfinance and what this means for both microfinance policy and for future impact studies.
Note: As of October 1st, 2012, MicroNed has joined hands with the Netherlands Platform for Microfinance and will continue as: NPM, Platform for Inclusive Finance
Authors: Copestake, J. , Williams, R.
Category: Research
Keywords: credit , finance , poverty
Language: eng
Organization: NPM – Platform for Inclusive Finance
Organization: Oxford policy management , MicroNed
PAGE: 40
Place: Oxford [etc.]
Publisher: Oxford policy management [etc.]
Year: 2011
Right: © 2011 Oxford policy management & MicroNed
Subject: Economic Development and Trade
Title: What is the impact of microfinance, and what does this imply for microfinance policy and for future impact studies?

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