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Thematic learning programme - fragile states : final synthesis report

Document type: report
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Abstract: In 2010 PSO invested heavily in the design of an innovative learning instrument which was intended to improve capacity development and which was referred to as the Thematic Learning Programme. PSO ran several programs simultaneously to test the instrument in practice. Unfortunately, PSO will not be able to refine what it has learned from the tests because the organisation is going to cease to exist after 2012. In this report we share our lessons learned from the Thematic Learning Programme with a specific focus on fragile states with the aim that development practitioners and other interested parties can use and benefit from them. For assessing the definitive impact of the programme and more particularly to asses whether the recommendations are in fact being adopted a longer time horizon would be required: up to 6 month - one year more. In May 2010 PSO prepared a Thematic Learning Programme which focused on fragile states. A core group was formed which, in turn, invited Agriterra, Care, Impunity Watch and ZOA to join the TLP. The research was performed from mid 2011 until the beginning of 2012 and detailed case reports were prepared. This document describes the steps that were taken during the course of this TLP and summarises the main findings of the four separate research projects.
Note: Cartoons: A. Herrema
Authors: Bieckmann, F.
Category: Research
Keywords: capacity building , international cooperation
Language: eng
Organization: PSO - Capacity Building in Developing Countries
PAGE: 25
Place: The Hague
Publisher: PSO
Year: 2012
Right: © 2012 PSO
Subject: Development Cooperation General
Title: Thematic learning programme - fragile states : final synthesis report

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