Currently, large-scale cohort
studies of CHD risk factors are including African Americans, however, few seem to have a
particular interest in specifically examining the curious risk factor profile in African
American women. Nor did the American College of Physicians (ACP) give any special
consideration to the fact that African American women experience CHD 10 years before any
other major racial gender group. ACP guidelines do not recommend cholesterol screening for
women under 45 years of age despite the fact that African American women are most
vulnerable to developing the disease at this age (26). Hopefully, additional research will
provide physicians who are responsible for developing national guidelines with enough data
to make their recommendations relevant to all gender/racial mixes. Researchers should
beware of the danger of exclusivity; it is possible that upon the completion of future
large scale studies, one irony that may emerge is that the major racial/gender group who
was given the least consideration (African American Women) actually had the most valuable
information to contribute to humanities understanding of CHD. |