HCV = Hepatitis C virus
CHC = Chronic hepatitis C
HCC = Hepatocellular carcinoma
HSC = Hepatic stellate cells
ECM = Extracellular matrix
ALT = Alanine aminotransferase
AST = Aspartate aminotransferase
TPO = Thrombopoietin
GGT = G-glutamyl transferase
Invasive and Non-invasive Monitoring of Hepatitis C
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2003, Vol. 4, No. 3 13
BSA = Blood serum albumin
A1 = Apolipoprotein
AO = Antioxidants
MDA = Malondialdehyde
AFP = Alpha-fetoprotein
ECM = Extracellular matrix
HA = Hyaluronic acid
IV-C = Type IV collagen
PIIIP = N-terminal propeptide of type III
LN = Laminin
MMP = Metalloproteinases
MMP-1 = Matrix metalloproteinase 1
MMP-2 = Matrix metalloproteinase 2
MMP-7 = Matrix metalloproteinase 7
TIMP = Inhibitors of metalloproteinases
ROC = Receiver operating characteristic
TGF-beta 1 = Tumor growth factor-beta 1
IFN-alpha = Interferon-alpha
sICAM-1, = Soluble intercellular adhesion molecule
sVCAM-1, = Vascular cell adhesion molecule
sCD62E = E-selectin
IL-1beta = Interleukin 1-beta
IL-8 = Interleukin 8
TNF-alpha = Tumor necrosis factor-alpha
AT = Angiotensinogen
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