This section gives a detailed description of the itemized budget. It is divided into 7 parts for easy comprehension.
1 – Investment:
a) Office equipment
i) Computers
For the secretariat, data entry and analysis. GRSP has 3 PC, 2 laptops and 5 printers evaluated at 1,000,000Fcfa per PC, 1,600,000Fcfa per laptop and 500,000Fcfa per printer.
- 3 PC = 1,000,000Fcfa x 3 = 3,000,000Fcfa
-2 Laptops = 1,600,000Fcfa x 2 = 3,200,000Fcfa
- 5 Printers = 500,000Fcfa x 5 = 2,500,000Fcfa.
Þ GRSP contribution cost : 8,700,000Fcfa
ii) Photocopier
GRSP has a photocopier that costs 2,150,000Fcfa.
Þ GRSP contribution cost: 2,150,000Fcfa x 1= 2,150,000Fcfa.
b) Four-wheel drive vehicles.
We intended to use 2 vehicles for field supervision but we have no such vehicles that can go to hard-to-reach areas in the raining season and on un-tarred bad roads of enclaved villages. Such vehicles are estimated at 60,000,000Fcfa
Þ contribution cost of HIPC: 60,000,000 x 2 = 120,000,000Fcfa.
c) Motorcycles
8 motorcycles will be used in the 8 sub-divisions for supervision by each sub-divisional supervisor or promoter. Each is estimated at 5000,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC 5000,000Fcfa x 8 = 40,000,000Fcfa.
d) Bicycles
We intend that 10 bicycles will be used by promoters in the non-hilly and mountainous areas of the study area. The price of a good bicycle is estimated at 120,000Fcfa .
Þ Contribution of HIPC: 120,000Fcfa x 10 = 1,200,000Fcfa .
2–Human Resources:
GRSP – Cameroon.
1) Principal Investigator (PI)
A public health epidemiologist (PhD) with enough experience in quantitative and qualitative research methods will coordinate the work full time: follow-up activities of the program to suggest modifications if need be, setting of objectives to be attained, monitor and evaluate, establish and maintain good relationship with sponsors, government and the civil society. His gross monthly salary with all taxes included is 900,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution HIPC: 900,000 x 24 = 21,600,000Fcfa.
2) Co-investigator-1(Co-PI-1)
Resident doctor (MD) in public health who shall share some responsibilities with the PI, will receive a monthly gross salary of 600,000Fcfa. He will be the supervisor in Menchum division.
Þ Contribution HIPC:600,000Fcfa x 24 = 14,400,000Fcfa.
3)Co-investigator-2 (Co-PI-2)
A public health specialist (MD and MPH). A member of GRSP who will be supervisor in Donga-Mantung division. He will receive a monthly salary of 600,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 600,000Fcfa x 24 = 14,400,000Fcfa.
4 )Administrative accountant and logistics officer
An experienced accountant with good management skills of many years will follow-up the execution of the budget and all financial, economic and logistic dealings of the project. He shall give financial accounts of all project money, will spend 100% of his time on the project. His monthly salary will be 600,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC =600,000Fcfa x 24 = 14,400,000fcfa.
5) Administrative assistant and logistic officer
A secondary school leaver who will support the administrative accountant and logistic officer in all subsidiary functions as assigned concerning supplies and follow-up of vehicles. His monthly salary with all taxes is 200,000fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 200,000fcfa x 24 = 4,800,000Fcfa.
Two experienced drivers will participate in the purchase and supplies and carry the supervisors to the field. They will be assigned to move to the project site when ever the need arises. Their monthly salary will be 90,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 90,000fcfa x 24 x = 4,320,000fcfa.
Local NGO partners:
1) Coordinator of church health programs
A very experience field staff. He will elaborate and follow-up the church work of promoters and animators. His monthly salary without taxes will be 90,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 90,000Fcfa x 24 =2,160,000Fcfa.
2) Accountant
He is a person with accountant skills and a secondary school leaver. He will be under the supervision of the accounting staff of GRSP; and will handle all the financial aspects of the local NGO. His monthly salary will be 60,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 60,000Fcfa x 24 = 1,440,000Fcfa
3) Staff of the local NGO
8 (1 per sub-division) of their field staff will assist in community mobilization of the congregation members; they will also help solve any communication barriers that may arise in the field at a unit cost of 40,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 40,000 x 8 x 24 = 7,680,000Fcfa.
1) Local sub- supervisors
8 local church-based sub-supervisors per division shall be recruited from these communities to ensure that the execution of the project is carried out according to the satisfaction of the beneficiaries at a unit cost of 150,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 75,000Fcfa x 24 x 8 = 14,400,000Fcfa
Þ Contribution cost of church : 75,000Fcfa x 24 x 8 = 14,400,000Fcfa
2) Church promoters
Six church promoters per sub-division i.e. 48 promoters and 2 reserves will be recruited to guide the beneficiaries in the villages for 24 months. A unit cost of 30,000Fcfa is estimated.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 30,000Fcfa x 24 x 50 = 36,000,000Fcfa.
3) Church animators
216 church animators will be used in each village to guide the beneficiaries. Their monthly cost estimated at 10,000fcfa will be taken care of by the village communities.
Þ Church contribution: 216 x 10,000Fcfa x 24 = 51,840,000Fcfa.
4)Church interviewers
About 324 (108 x 3 i.e. 3 per village) will be recruited and trained in the villages to conduct interviews with the congregation members. Their per diem will be 10,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 10,000Fcfa x 324 x 15 = 48,600,000Fcfa
5) CCE
324 such committees will be created in each village comprising of two elders from different denominations. They shall oversee the management of the activities of the project in the villages. Their monthly cost is estimated at 5,000Fcfa.
They will mobilize and sensitize churches under their health areas. They will visit churches to reinforce HIV/AIDS prevention programs. This will be a part-time job.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 100,000fcfa x 20 = 2000,000Fcfa.
7) Pastors
An estimated 108 x 3 = 324 pastors will be trained in each village to deliver sermons on HIV/AIDS prevention at a unit cost of 60,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 40,000Fcfa x 324 = 12,960,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of churches: 20,000Fcfa x 324 = 6,480,000Fcfa
8) Associate pastors
324 associate pastors will be trained to assist the pastors or deliver sermons when the pastors are absent at a unit cost of 40,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 30,000Fcfa x 324 = 9,720,000Fcfa
Þ Contribution cost of churches : 10,000Fcfa x 324 = 3,240,000Fcfa
1) Vehicle insurance
This covers civil responsibility, theft, fire accident, first aid box for the driver and occupants, etc. It is estimated at 300,000Fcfa per year for the two vehicles for two years.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 300,000Fcfa x 2 x 2 = 1,200,000Fcfa.
2) Fuel and maintenance:
This is the cost of either petrol, gas, lost or bad parts, workmanship for servicing of vehicles and motorcycles. It is estimated at 400,000Fcfa per month.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 400,000Fcfa x 24 = 9,600,000Fcfa.
3) Mission orders and other movements
It is estimated that 25 trips will be made to the study divisions by the PI to meet local administrative, church and health authorities, coordinate and supervise the work . This will be the transport fair, lodging and per diem for 25 days. It is estimated at 350,000Fcfa per day. ÞContribution cost of HIPC: 350,000Fcfa x 25 = 8,750,000Fcfa.
4) Renting of office premises.
Monthly rents comprising of cost of payment for a watchman, telephone bills, electricity, repairs and is estimated at 500,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 500,000Fcfa x 24 = 12,000,000Fcfa.
5) Stationery
This will cover all office material including papers with a monthly allowance of 300,000Fcfa.
Þ. Contribution cost of HIPC:300,000Fcfa x 24 = 7,200,000Fcfa.
6) Administration cost of local NGO
This will cover cost of renting a secretariat, renting of office premises, telephone bills and other logistics. These costs are estimated at 500,000Fcfa per month.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 500,000Fcfa x 24 = 12,000,000Fcfa.
7) Insurance of motorcycles
This will cover the 8 motorcycles at the cost of 100,000Fcfa for risks such as civil responsibilities, theft, fire accidents, first aid box for the driver and any other person he may carry.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 100,000Fcfa x 8 x2 = 1,600,000fcfa.
8) Per diem for supervisors
The 2 supervisors will supervise 2 weeks (14 days) every month at the rate of 50,000Fcfa per day.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 50,000Fcfa x 24 x2 x 14 = 33,600,000Fcfa.
9) Cost of tee-shirt and brochure
These will bear the emblems of the project and the sponsors which will cover the 2 years of the project.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: - Tee-shirt: 5000Fcfa x3000 = 15,000,000Fcfa.
- Brochure: 3000Fcfa x 1500 = 4,500,000Fcfa.
4) Training
1) Coffee beak during training
A total number of 1572 people will be trained during the intervention program. Each person will be trained at the beginning of the intervention and will be reoriented after the first year of the project. We will have 32 training sessions of two days in the first year and 32 orientation sessions of 1 day in the second year. This gives 96 days of training. One day of training costs 75, 000Fcfa for coffee break.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 75,000Fcfa x 96 = 7,200,000Fcfa
2) Renting of the hall for the training
The renting will cost 50,000Fcfa per day of training session.
Þ Contribution cost of churches: 50,000Fcfa x 96 = 4,800,000fcfa
3) Training of church promoters
Fifty promoters will be trained at the beginning of the year. The amount given is for training materials and per diem for trainers at a unit cost of 100,000fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 50,000fcfa x 50 = 2,500,000Fcfa
Þ Contribution cost of church : 50,000fcfa x 50 =2,500,000Fcfa
4) Reorientation church of promoters
At the beginning of the second year, the capacity of promoters will be reinforced through another training. The cost is estimated at 50,000Fcfa per unit.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 50,000Fcfa x 50 = 2,500,000Fcfa.
5) Health staff from the divisions
Twenty ( ten from each division) health staff will be trained on the major themes of the program so that they could support the realization of the project on the field. The unit cost estimated at 100,000Fcfa with all taxes include cost of training materials, per diem, etc. ÞContribution cost of HIPC: 100,000Fcfa x 20 = 2,000,000Fcfa.
6) Reorientation of the health staff
This will be done at the beginning of the second year to reinforce the capacity of these staff. The unit cost will be 50,000fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 100,000Fcfa x 20 = 1,000,000Fcfa.
7) Training of church animators
216 will be trained at the beginning of the project at the unit cost of 60,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 60,000Fcfa x 216= 12,960,000Fcfa.
8) Reorientation of church animators
To increase their efficiency, these 216 will be reoriented at the beginning of the second year of the project at the unit cost of 30,000fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 30,000fcfa x 216. = 6,480,000Fcfa
9) Training of church interviewers
324 interviewers will be trained to administer the pre- and post-test questionnaires to the church members at the unit cost of 30,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 30,000fcfa x 324 = 9,720,000Fcfa.
d) Reorientation of church interviewers
They will be retrained in the second year to reinforce their capacity at the unit cost of 25000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 25000Fcfa x 324 = 8,100,000Fcfa
9) Committees of church elders (CCE)
About 324 (108 x 3 i.e. 3 per village) such constituted committees will manage the activities of the project in the village churches at the unit cost of 50,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 50,000Fcfa x 324 = 16,200,000Fcfa
10) Reorientation of CCE
The 324 CCE will be oriented at the start of year 2 at the unit cost of 25,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 25,000Fcfa x 324 = 8,100,000Fcfa.
11) Reinforcement of the capacity of all the personnel engaged in the project
The capacity of all the personnel involved in HIV/AIDS prevention, management of the project and administration will be reinforced at the beginning of each year of the project for more efficacy. This will also help them to sustain this project when the program ends. This is estimated at 3,000,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 3,000,000Fcfa x 4 ( 2 times in each division) = 12,000,000Fcfa.
13) Bags for working materials
About 2000 bags at a unit cost of 20,000Fcfa will be given to the church animators, promoters, pastors and supervisors for the preservation of their working materials.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 20,000Fcfa x 2000 = 40,000,000Fcfa.
5) Monitoring and Evaluation
1) Management tools
For the follow-up of the program, HIV/AIDS prevention management tools will be elaborated: focus group discussion and in-depth interview guides, questionnaires, training manuals for the supervisors, interviewers, animators, promoters, etc. These are estimated at 20,000,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 1 x 20,000,000Fcfa = 20,000,000fcfa.
2) Monitoring meetings
Quarterly monitoring meetings will be held every 3 months grouping the promoters, animators, interviewers, supervisors, other people involved and the coordinator or principal investigator. These meetings are estimated at 3,000,000Fcfa per division.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 3,000,000Fcfa x 4 x 2 x 2 = 48,000,000Fcfa.
3) Semester evaluation seminars
These will be carried out at the end of every six months where experiences will be shared and adjustments made. An estimated cost of 3,000,000Fcfa will cover the per diem of participants, materials and organizational cost.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 3,000,000Fcfa x 4 (two times each year) = 12,000,000Fcfa.
4) Evaluation of impact
Two interviews (pre-training and post-training) on knowledge, attitudes and practices vis-à-vis HIV/AIDS prevention and other STIs) will be conducted at the beginning and the end of the project. A unit cost which includes the per diem of interviewers, supervisors, etc, and organization is estimated at 4,000,000Fcfa.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 4,000,000fcfa x 2 (divisions) x 2 (years) = 16,000;000Fcfa.
1) Development of HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum Manual for Congregations
This is estimated at 20,000,000Fcfa. This covers the cost of elaboration, validation, multiplication and dissemination of the manual.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 20,000,000fcfa
7) Others
1) Administration cost
These are estimated at 8 % of direct costs which correspond to the cost of administration of the project. It is estimated at 2,000,000Fcfa monthly.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 2,000,000fcfa x 24 = 48,000,000Fcfa.
2) Miscellaneous or contingency
This is estimated at 10 % of the budget to take care of unforeseen circumstances or expenses that may hinder the smooth running of the project.
Þ Contribution cost of HIPC: 90,128,000Fcfa