Suggested reading:
1. American Diabetes Association. Clinical Practice Recommendations. Diabetes
Care (Suppl.1) S77-S99, 2000.
2.Magee MS, Walder CE, Benedetti TJ, Knopp RH. Influence of diagnostic
criteria on the incidence of gestational diabetes and perinatal morbidity. JAMA
269:609-615, 1993.
3. Blank A, Grave GD, Metzger BE. Effects of gestational diabetes mellitus on
perinatal morbidity reassessed. Diabetes Care 18:127-129, 1995
4. Damm P, Kuhl, Hornnes P, Molsted-Pedersen L. A longitudinal study of
plasma insulin and glucagon in women with previous gestational diabetes.
Diabetes Care 18:654-665, 1995
5. Fraser D, Weitzman S, Leiberman JR, Zmora E, Laron E, Karplus M.
Gestational diabetes among Bedouins in southern Israel: comparison of prevalence
and neonatal outcomes with the Jewish population. Acta Diabetol 31:78-81, 1994
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