engineering holds the promise of totally changing the individual’s risk for immediate or
long-term diseases. By discovering the susceptibility of a disease, insertion of
corrective genetic information will be able to prevent that occurrence. For those where
there is not a cure, early knowledge of the disease predilection can permit an aggressive
behavior modification program to lessen the ravages of the disease. There are also
wondrous and frightening futures from the genetic genie that has been let out of the
bottle. Initial understanding of the aging process through discoveries of apoptosis and
the role of telomeres and telomerase point to the potential for extending life beyond the
current maximum limits of 120-130 years. The implications of these genetic manipulations,
especially for preventive medicine to provide a high quality of life in the extended
years, should become a major focus for preventive medicine. It will not be possible to
afford a hundred or more years of chronic medications and treatments for those who live
long but are chronically ill. And access to the information and treatments to insure
healthy longevity will necessarily be distributed through tele- preventive health. |