exposure as mandated by FQPA (Slide 13) requires the summation of exposures from all
pathways and sources. If conservatism is to take place in estimating the exposure
from each pathway and source, the aggregate exposure will become unrealistically
high. In tackling this type of problems, U.S. EPA has moved to support the use of
probabilistic analysis (also referred to as stochastic analysis or Monte Carlo simulation)
for exposure assessment (1998). In response to this movement, Dong and Ross (in press)
have also provided several case studies to illustrate the use of this simulation
technique. Another approach to coping with the challenge of aggregate exposure and risk
assessment is the use of biological monitoring (herein also biomonitoring) to measure the
total internal dose, which accounts for all intakes and uptakes of the chemical from all
relevant exposure sources. Biomonitoring relies on the measurement of a biological
parameter (biomarker) in the fluid collected from the exposed individuals. Well-designed
and useful biomonitoring studies would require not only the compliance of human test
subjects, but also an understanding of the disposition, metabolism, and elimination of the
chemical in the human body. Moreover, an acceptable analytical method must be sensitive
enough to detect the biomarker which is typically present at very low level. Routine
collection of 24-hour samples in human volunteers is often impractical. Using PB-PK
simulation, Dong et al. (1994, 1996) have provided examples demonstrating how spot
urine sample results can be used to estimate the amount of a pesticide dermally absorbed
in humans. |